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A Tribute to Alex Wine

Alex  Wine
Melissa Markell, Alex 's Mother
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I will miss you for the rest of my life.  Until i see you again.   Momma loves you!!!Words can not express just how much you are loved and missed.  Happy Birthday my sweet boy... Momma loves and misses you beyond words... Happy Birthday baby boy.  Momma loves and misses you so very very much.  The truth just shines thrugoh your postThis info is the cat’s paamajs! 家中壞腦 本文及這個回應都是借用別人的電腦寫的 請恕在下只能簡短回應  kursk, 完全同意 匿名君 話分兩頭 1) 今次先有黃世澤說要起通寶底 後有通寶封博 但從各方敘述 通寶好像沒有解釋過封博的原因 也許他厭倦筆戰 也許他事忙 也許他像我般 壞腦  只有他才知是甚麼原因 人們指摘黃世澤的起底行為是一回事 拿通寶封博作證據 又是另一回事  最奇怪是那個 思想花園  自己無端端封博 也許又有人會入黃世澤數  2) 就黃世澤的一般 起底 行為 例如公佈持異議者的 IP address 然後聲稱拒絕他們留言 我是不認同的 不過今次通寶事件是特例 事涉應當政治中立的公務員所享有的言論自由問題 這 不同人自有不同看法 例如今天 ESWN 就轉載了 AK 的見解 然而 當我昨晚寫這篇網誌時 有關的討論實在少之又少 我唯一看見的只有電鋸於 聞 見 思 錄 內認真討論這個黃世澤開宗明義就點明的事情 因此    至少截至昨晚為止    我對指摘黃世澤的一眾博客是有所保留的 問題不是他們指摘黃世澤的 起底 行為對不對 而是他們的指摘並無真的以理服人 只是拿著一個很方便 叫 言論自由 的東西加上一個未經證實的猜想 通寶是因害怕被起底而封博 來打擊黃世澤 林忌 我是好事之徒 口痕友 寫嘢有時加鹽加醋 請勿見怪 hkreic, 是我寫得不好 我的意思不是說要每事出聲才有資格在此事上批評 而是說比起陳巧文 熊貓少女及遊K河少女這些極為明確的例子 黃世澤此例實在很弱 而眾人對他的指摘又顯得不成比例 你可以說黃世澤誤解了 公務員政治中立 的意思 別人同不同意是另一回事  因此他的行為其實仍是侵犯了通寶的言論自由 你也可以說通寶講得有道理 朱藹迪其實誤解了政府收數的合理性 因此政府並非借收數來限制朱的公民自由 這些通通都是可議的 但是當黃世澤以通寶所贊同之道還施其身 而其他人只拿黃世澤開刀 單方面視通寶為受害者 不將二人放在 equal ground 兼且無視黃所持的理由本身所擁有的合理討論基礎 即公務員的政治中立性  就向黃發難 我覺得並不妥當 不過補充一句 對黃世澤時不時作出的起底要脅 儘管是講多過做  我也是不認同的 以披露留言者的 IP address 為例 言論自由這些大題目姑且不說 若留言者用 dynamic IP address 黃此舉可能會令他人遭池魚之殃 方潤 呀 實在對不起 不過第三國成為另外兩國的戰場 是歷史上常見之事 你就看開點吧 ;-Dpaulymh: 不要動氣 見以上對 hkreic 君回覆 我也看不過眼黃世澤對你的單打 就好像說你甚麼 不誠實使用電腦  此等言詞 你實在不必放在心上 你沒有用黃世澤的激烈言詞來回敬他 這點我是相當佩服的 不過你又何必和他纏鬥呢 你不會以為他罵你土共 別人就真的以為你是土共吧 最少我就從來沒有這麼想 時間寶貴 就算是打筆戰 都要選擇戰場呀 K9C74w  swrdimyqnmexv3o4pK  uhtbwkpfdgsriu3cRp  ekybzakagszk1V6XyM  fkfhsvisvdsfThanks for that! It’s just the awnser I needed.I think about you every day,and I hope your doing good bro,I’m thinking of you with everything I do and I cannot wait for the day I see you again I would do anything to bring you back,I look through everything we’ve shared and just wish this was a lie but it’s ok I know your looking down and watching over the me, Ma and everyone Rest in Peace bro I love youI love you peanut and miss you so much i think about you every day and always will rip
1 Person
Peanut is an amazing young man who touched many lives... He was to start his senior year of high school and his first year of college only a few short days before he earned his angel wings... He loved playing baseball, he loved saving his money and he loved his family and friends... He was a hard worker who valued everything he owned... He worked very hard to earn money to buy his own car, never wanting or accepting help, even wanting his own insurance policy knowing it would cost him more money... He prided himself on doing it on his own... He truly is an amazing young man how will be missed dearly... Always remembered, always loved, never forgotten...
There are currently no announcements for Alex Wine's Warm Tribute Online Memorial yet.

Journal Entry

A Journal Entry by Melissa Markell posted on Wed, 7/1/15, 12:15 AM

 Happy heavenly birthday baby boy.  Momma loves and misses you so very much.   I long for the day i see you again.   Love, Momma

Dear Peanut

A Note to Alex by Melissa Markell posted on Wed, 11/7/12, 7:54 AM

Dear Peanut,

There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you... You were my everything and everything I did was for you... It is sooo very hard to wake each morning and not have your warm kiss on my cheek... I keep telling myself that this is all a really bad dream and that you will come walking in the door with that big bright smile of yours... I pray each night that you are okay, that you are warm, that you are free from harm, that you will continue to play baseball in the sky... I miss you soooooooo very much baby boy...